using System; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Web.Mail; namespace MonoWeeklyNews { public class Contributor { static private string subject, body, contrib; public static void Main (string[] args) { string title; string response = null; bool send = false; string contrib = @"NoTe LoDigo "; int resp; if (args.Length > 0) if (args[0] == "--send") send = true; GETINPUT: Console.Write ("Enter subject: "); subject = Console.ReadLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Enter body (use a single line in HTML):"); body = Console.ReadLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Enter your name followed by your email (default 'NoTe LoDigo ')"); contrib = Console.ReadLine (); Print (); Console.Write ("Is that ok? (Y/n): "); response = (Console.ReadLine ()).ToUpper (); if (response == "N" || response == "NO") goto GETINPUT; title = SaveToFile (); if (send) { string server; Console.WriteLine ("Which server do you want to use to send the email (default 'localhost')?"); if ((server = Console.ReadLine ()).Length < 2) server = null; resp = SendMail (contrib, title, server, title.Substring (0, 8) + ".mwnitem"); if (resp == 1) Console.WriteLine ("Contribution called " + title + ".mwnitem sent to \nThanks " + contrib + "!"); else Console.WriteLine ("An error ocurred while trying to send email. Sorry. Send the file using another tool."); } else Console.WriteLine ("Send the file called " + title + ".mwnitem to me at \nThanks " + contrib + " for contributing!"); } private static void Print () { Console.WriteLine ("Your candidate for MWN item is:\n"); Console.WriteLine ("Subject: " + subject); Console.WriteLine ("Body:\n\n" + @body); } public static void SaveToFile (string inSubject, string inBody, string inContributor) { Subject = inSubject; Body = inBody; Contrib = inContributor; SaveToFile (); } public static string SaveToFile () { string title; string[] fragments; XmlDocument doc; XmlElement item; XmlAttribute subject_attr, body_attr, contrib_attr; fragments = subject.Split (' '); title = null; foreach (string s in fragments) { title += s; } doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.AppendChild (doc.CreateProcessingInstruction ("xml", "version='1.0'")); item = doc.CreateElement ("mwnitem"); subject_attr = doc.CreateAttribute ("subject"); subject_attr.Value = subject; body_attr = doc.CreateAttribute ("body"); body_attr.Value = @body; contrib_attr = doc.CreateAttribute ("contrib"); contrib_attr.Value = @contrib; item.Attributes.Append (subject_attr); item.Attributes.Append (body_attr); item.Attributes.Append (contrib_attr); doc.AppendChild (item); doc.Save ((title = title.Substring (0, 8)) + ".mwnitem"); return title; } public static byte SendMail (string sender, string title, string server, string file) { byte response; MailMessage msg = new MailMessage (); MailAttachment nitem = new MailAttachment (file); msg.From = sender; msg.Subject = "MWN Contribution: " + title; msg.To = ""; msg.Attachments.Add (nitem); if (server != null) SmtpMail.SmtpServer = server; Console.WriteLine ("Sending..."); try { SmtpMail.Send (msg); response = 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine (e); response = 1; } return response; } public static string Subject { set { subject = value; } } public static string Body { set { body = value; } } public static string Contrib { set { contrib = value; } } } }